Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 days of Thankfulness - Day 4-9

You know,  I should have known I couldn't keep up with this thirty days of thankfulness thing.  I've tried it for the last 5 years and continuously fail.  I thought this year it'd be easier if I just blogged it!  SUUUUURE!  Because blogging requires explanation and definition and makes everything so much easier.


But it's ok.  Becuase here I am, November 9.  Covering 6 days of thankfulness in one blog entry.  The good news is, I can totally get away with it.  Even if this entry takes me all day to write ;)

Day 4:  I'm thankful for Backyard Produce.  I'm totally stoked that every Tuesday we get a box of local organic produce.  Always something new with SOMETHING or other we've never cooked before.  Last night we ate asparagus.  Last week it was diacon radishes.  Some crazy thing that looked like a parsnip in disguise.  We made something awesome out of it.  It was tasty, and it was a new recipe, and it broadened my culinary horizon.

Day 5:  I'm thankful for the mail carrier.  Estella has been our mail carrier here in the neighborhood since we bought the house 8 years ago.  When we came back to Goose Creek after 3 years in Washington, it was so great to see her smiling face again lol - and she was happy to see us too!  It's the little relationships with the everyday people in our lives that give us just enough of a reminder that, though we live a bit of a mobile lifestyle, we can still make a difference and bring a smile on a regular internet required.

Day 6:  I'm thankful for Candy Crush.  No really, I am.  Silly, but true.

Day 7: I'm thankful for my Pandora Jewelery.  For the last few years, Don has bought me a charm or two for each major event.  When things stress me out (when WORK stresses me out) sometimes I just have to clip on my bracelets and suddenly all is well once again.  Our 10 year anny is coming, and there's a lighthouse now, you know.  Hint hint....

Day 8:  I'm thankful for my husband and his hysterically well placed timing to sing songs such as "James' Mom has got it goin on..."  (To the tune of "Stacy's Mom").

Day 9: I'm thankful for my boss.  No really.  She has so freaking much on her plate, yet she can understand and respect my requirement to put my family first.  I'm a lucky lucky girl to work for Miss Phoenix. WAY LUCKY.

Holy smokes have I actually caught up with myself?  Watching some football and dealing with my furbabies scratching at the glass tired of being outside in the "Cold" - they're so screwed once we get back to the Pac NW.  But I'll take it.

We'll get through it together because truly, that's what families do.  Thanks for reading and keeping up with us over the last 6 days <3 p="">

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