Monday, November 4, 2013

30 days of Thankfulness - Day 3

Day three - today (ok, yesterday was *technically* day three, but I'm catching up here) I am thankful for my home.

We closed on our home in June 2005, and have owned it ever since.  We did try to sell when we left South Carolina the first time, but the housing bubble had burst, Centex was still building new homes in the development, and it just didn't sell.  So - we rented it out for 3 years while we were in Washington, and came back to it when we returned to South Carolina.

It has not always been wonderful being a homeowner.  We don't have a landlord to call when something stops working.  We can't just walk away when the lease is up.  We have to worry about what we'll do next year when Don retires, if it will even sell or if we'll have to rent it out again.

But all of that aside, this house - this home - holds so many precious memories.  Birthdays, projects, holidays.  Firsts.  Lasts.  One (completely justified) frequent complaint from military families is not being able to stay anywhere long enough to really put down roots.  Every three years or so you just up and move somewhere else.  I am simply thankful for the nearly 6 total years we've been able to occupy this space, that we could make memories over time, under one roof, without having to think back and ask  "wait - which house were we at for Paige's 7th birthday?".

It's just one of those little blessings, just another thing I'm thankful for.

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