Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's Paige's birthday...5 years in the making.

January 17th 2005, I woke up in the hospital after a planned overnight stay. I was being induced with my beautiful little bundle of joy. Little did I know how much she would change me. How much she would change US. How much she would change our life. I was so full of emotion. Fear, excitement, happiness, did I mention fear... LOL So afraid I would mess up her life. And she wasn't even BORN yet! On January 17th at 3:41pm, Paige Elizabeth Rhine was given to us - truly a gift from God.
We spent the first few years of her life in Goose Creek, SC. It was so wonderful to be on shore duty, because then Don got to see every milestone, and got to live every tantrum LOL Well, almost.

Paige at 1 year

Paige at 2 years

When Paige was almost 3 we transferred back to Washington. We spent her birthday at my parent's home in Cottage Grove Oregon. I was so happy that they had a chance to see her ON her birthday. God only knows when they'll get that opportunity again.

Paige at 3 years

Paige's third year was really hard. James was born and daddy left for 7 months. Daddy had never had to deploy before in her lifetime - so she went through so many changes in such a short amount of time. But she's an amazing little girl. Resilient and smart and beautiful.

Paige at 4 years

Paige at almost 5 years

Isn't it amazing how much they change? I mean - of course they're going to grow. They're going to grow and they're going to change. They're going to mature and someday they're going to leave. 18 years is a long time, or so it seems. But looking back at the last 5, I can't help but wonder where they've gone.
It makes me want to do more. Makes me want to make more memories and have more adventures, read her more books and spend more time. I don't see her change. It's so gradual that it just happens, and looking back now I wish her life thus far had been easier for her. I know it'll get better, when Don is out of the navy - but the good news is, she doesn't know any different, so she doesn't know how hard she really has it. This lifestyle, to her, is "normal".
It's just how we roll.
And it will only get better from here.

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