Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We Can Help

 I'm just really sad today.  Thinking about the recent tragedy in Moore, Oklahoma, and the devastated lives and families.  I'm thinking about the parents that sent their children to school yesterday morning, kissed them goodbye and will never again hear them say "I love you Mom!".  I don't know if maybe I'm just getting old, maybe a little bit wise, maybe both.  It hurts, knowing these people had their lives ripped away from them - and for WHAT?  For nothing.  For no reason.  They did nothing but live their life.  It's so scary, how much of what happens to us is so completely out of our control.  We think we've got it under control.  We do our best to live a good life, to be responsible, to raise our kids up right, to teach them how to respect themselves and others, to love them.  And then...bam.  Game over.  I see the footage of the destruction, and I can't explain the feelings.  It's empty.  It's confused.  It's hopeless.  It's broken.  So these people now have no home, no family, their lives are utterly shattered and they can do nothing, they must simply take one minute, one hour at a time, and pick up the pieces.  But we can help.  We can help them.

Even from the comfort of our own home, we can help.  When she was young, my Mom received a piece of advice that she has passed on to me.  When disaster strikes, when things happen that you least expect, when your world is suddenly torn apart - she says to look for God in the aftermath.  Good will come out of this, look for the helpers.  

Better yet, be one.

Here are a few ways we can help:

  • To make a tax deductible donation to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, go to www.regionalfoodbank.org or text FOOD to 32333 to give $10 to relief efforts.  

  • The Pet Food Pantry of OKC is offering dog food, cat food, leashes, collars, food bowls, etc to those in need.  To make a donation please visit:  www.petfoodpantryokc.org 

  • United Way of Central Oklahoma’s Disaster Relief Fund is open.  Donations may be made online at www.unitedwayokc.org or by mail to United Way of Central Oklahoma, P.O. Box 837, Oklahoma City, OK  73101 with notation for May Tornado Relief.  

  • Contributions to the Moore & Shawnee Tornado Relief Fund can be made securely online at www.TulsaCF.org. Donations can also be mailed to TCF offices at 7030 S. Yale, Suite 600, Tulsa, OK, 74136.

  • Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief has deployed at least 80 volunteers to respond.  Tax-deductible donations can be made to the BGCO's Disaster Relief ministry online or call (405) 942-3800. You may also send checks to: BGCO Attn: Disaster Relief 3800 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73112.